In the September 1916 issue of the Ministry of War Magazine Harp Mecmuası (War Journal), the famous Ottoman historian Ahmet Refik Bey, who served in the Ottoman General Staff during the First World War, addressed Turkish soldiers on the Galicia front, referring to his country’s Ottoman ancestors’ sieges of Chyhyryn (1678) and the battle of Khotin (1621); “You are fighting far from your homeland, but in the closest locations where you are battling with your ruthless foes today are not unfamiliar to Turkish success, Turkish courageous passion, and heroism.” He went on to say that Hungarians were the same race with Turks and they were to fought aganist Russians as brothers. Although Ahmet Refik does not mention it, some of the Turkish officers who went to Galicia probably knew that Rohatyn was the birthplace of Hürrem Sultan, wife of Suleiman the Magnificent, the Sultan of the most glorious years of the Ottoman Empire. (T.Y.)